The Best Milk Alternative.

Radically Muse
4 min readNov 2, 2021

We have 11 milk alternatives for those who are lactose, while we are simultaneously in need of 1 perfect alternative to the crisis we have in America, upward social mobility. The idea that motivation, desire, performance and skill being all you need to climb the class ranks is false.

Denmark and Norway have the highest statistics of social mobility, and what that is based on is how I see what needs to be fixed. There are five sectors of influence that cause a state’s social mobility to change. You have health, which pertains to the health of a state’s citizens. Education in terms of peoples access to it, the quality of it, and whether or not lifelong learning is implemented in this society. Do people in this state have access to technology? Are work opportunities present, are wages fair and increasing, and are the conditions of its laborers just? Lastly, the need for government institutions to provide social protection and inclusivity.

Health is a clear and concise fix, medical attention and treatment should not be a privilege to some and a rarity to others. We have a right to life, there are arguments that claim this is an unaffordable concept, but I disagree. Hospital bills are so outrageous that bill collectors don’t expect payment and are more than willing to negotiate prices, pharmaceutical companies, for the most part, operate at a mass profit, the upper class, including the elite, do not pay a proportionate amount in taxes, and we have a military spending budget that allows us to blow up the world more than once. Keep in mind, there is only one earth. So money should not be a fucking problem. Quality health care provided by the government is what we need. But that is not all we need, we need laws, and a society that promotes good health as well.

Education is a more complicated issue, there isn’t a debate on whether or not children should be entitled to public education K-12. Where there lies some conflict, is the quality of education and what precedes twelfth grade. Our education is not the same throughout the country and that is a monumental issue, children should be taught an inclusive, updated, specialized, equal curriculum nationwide. Yes, this includes sex education. Besides the materials being taught in a school, what determines the quality of education also pertains to funding. We don’t have to change how schools receive funding, but we do have to redistrict area’s so that every school is attended by residents of high and low property taxes. What precedes 12th grade is simple. State colleges should be free, technical schools should be free, and private universities can continue their approach on trading education for bucks.

Internet is something that should be accessible for all, because the internet is where society is moving and if people are denied access then they will be forever left behind.

In terms of work, worker cooperatives are the best way to ensure that the working quality of America’s laborers will improve. We cannot rely on the kindness of our employers’ hearts to ensure that we work in a safe, reliable, financially and emotionally supported job. Putting workers in the position to own their jobs, decide how they are treated, and how to operate their business comes with risks, but I don’t think the cons outweigh the pros. I agree there are some sectors in which worker cooperatives would not work to ensure quality for the consumer, and in those sectors, for example, the medical field would be exempt from being worker cooperatives. Who knows better how to make a burger, the CEO of McDonalds, or the crew member who flips burgers for 8 hours, with a 30 minute unpaid break. And the person that gets paid the least in this equation is curating what the consumers are purchasing. All in all this is a clear equation in which the sum is not correct. Why shouldn’t workers earn the profits of their labor? Why should our values around democracy stop in the workforce?

The last element that ensures whether or not upward social mobility in this country will be feasible is the government providing the systems that support those who cannot take care of themselves, now. That includes welfare, food stamps, and other basic living requirements.

It is not simply the fault of the misfortunates for their misfortunes. It is clear that the system is not built for upward mobility, and that is something that the government holds complete responsibility over. The land of the free is not free if we are chained to our material conditions. So instead of spending time deciding on what nut to milk next, maybe finding and putting into fruition this one alternative is a brighter idea.

Based on Jack Whitehall’s frustrations on how complex ordering a coffee is.

