A True Nationalist.

Radically Muse
2 min readDec 14, 2020


This is for the people who don’t quite understand the gravity of the situation we are being faced with. This is for those who claim to be nationalists, who hold their hand stiffly on their hearts screaming the pledge of alliance with all of their might. This is beyond George Floyd, beyond Breonna Taylor, beyond an individual life. This is about a population of people who feel, rightly so, as if they are being treated less than, by individuals that reside in a system that constantly reinforces systematic oppression.

Blacks do not matter, and that is the simple fact that has motivated 50 states in this country to hit the streets and protest for that statement to change. Whether they do this peacefully, or violently, is none of my concern. The methods that news media outlets and people through daily conversation love to focus on, shade and cover up the message that these protests are trying to get across.

If you want a source that advocates for violence, you have come to the wrong place. But if you want a source that can easily do math, and can see patterns in history, then you’ve reached your destination. The government wants to maintain law and order, stop an anarchy, keep the peace, and those who want to step outside their boundaries must be dealt with. Why do they do this, because they want to maintain the power that they’ve already concocted. The British didn’t want the Boston Tea Party to occur, it inconvenienced them finically and made them look weak. But the Boston Tea Party, can be seen as one of the first acts to our revolution and independence from British rule.

If you in some way feel offended by the statement, ‘Black Lives Matter’, and your immediate response is, “All Lives Matter”, we need to converse. Whole heartedly there are many places you can uncover to educate your mind on multitudes of different talking points that highlight why this is problematic and a misunderstanding of the movement in itself. So I will not reiterate those talking points. What you should be offended by is that in the United States of America a place where you sleep rest assured that you are living in the best place on Earth because you are promised, opportunity, equality, justice, liberty, and freedoms for all, there is a particular group of people that feel deprived of these simple necessities. They feel as if the promises written in law, is not being back up through action.

As a nationalist, you should firstly be concerned and want to understand where these people are coming from. As a nationalist, you then should educate yourself on the matter to make sure the claims these people are making are valid and backed up, which they are. As a nationalist, you should then feel this overwhelming sense of anger, and be just as appalled and mad as they are. As a nationalist you should now be motivated to achieve the same goal that they are trying to achieve. Why don’t these ‘nationalist’ feel this way?

Because there is a clear difference between nationalism, and white nationalism.

